Manufactured Items Manager – MFN

Easily Define the Manufactured Item Structure


Manufactured Items Manager (MFN) role allows the Manufacturing Bill of Material or MBOM to be defined, managed, and updated directly from the 3D design data. MFN is a web based client that uses the 3D Product Structure as input for authoring the Manufactured Items Structure, allowing it to be leveraged across Manufacturing and Production. When creating the MBOM, users can choose to display the Product Structure, the Manufactured Items Structure, or both. Users can simply drag and drop the design data to create the MBOM from scratch, create it from the existing Product Structure, or from an existing Manufactured Items Structure template. Users can review the status of items as they create the new structure and as items are updated in the Product Structure.

Key Benefits

  • Manage the Manufactured Items Structure
    • As updates occur in the Product Structure, MFN allows the user to view the status of the items assigned in the MBOM. During creation or update of the MBOM, users can easily reconcile the objects. Users also have a view of objects that have been used in the MBOM making it easy to reconcile with the engineering data. MFN provides users with a clear understanding of how engineering changes affect the MBOM.
  • Leverage the MBOM across DELMIA applications
    • When the MBOM structure has been authored using MFN, it can then be leveraged across the DELMIA applications in Process Planning, Robotics, Ergonomics, and Fabrication. The seamless integration between the DELMIA applications promotes digital continuity across the enterprise.
  • Simple to use interface
    • This light and easy web-client authoring tool is easy to use and deploy, providing quick access for creating the Manufactured Item structure (MBOM). The widget can be used in a customized dashboard in combination of other widgets to fit the user’s needs, like 3D Play or Change Management providing immediate access to the right information to do the job Drag and drop between widgets provides easy and efficient user interaction.