HVAC Schematic to Design – HVE

The lack of an associative environment between 2D schematics and 3D HVAC design leads to unnecessary errors and design delays. Companies need an integrated solution to design logical lines of HVAC systems in order to validate the design early in the design process.

CATIA – HVAC Schematic to Design product (1) enables the user to design and manage logical lines of HVAC systems using standards and specifications according to industry usage. It enables the creation of component catalogs with multi representation, attributes and design rules. The system engineer creates intelligent schematics and HVAC Diagrams.

Fully integrated, the designer builds the 3D design directly from 2D diagrams (2D/3D driven). These intelligent diagrams and 3D design capability enable users to create and validate their designs with respect to company know-how.

This product covers project engineering from basic design up to detailed design.
(1) HVAC: Heat, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning

Included Modules

  • HVAC Design 2
  • HVAC Diagrams 2
  • Systems Diagrams 2