Improve Performance-To-Contract When All Requirements drive the Team
Contract and Program Management for Aerospace and Defense uses one central repository to support key functional disciplines within the A&D enterprise. These include contracts and sub-contracts management, data management, program management, program planning and control (PP&C), and systems engineering. Using one system to bring together the core processes of these functional disciplines provides the ability to improve overall performance of program execution and delivery-to-contract.
Contract and Program Management for Aerospace and Defense provides the ability to capture contracts and their associated work-breakdown elements in line-item detail to ensure complete assignment, scheduling and proper execution. Work-breakdown elements reference the scheduled tasks required to complete the work assigned. Users can link projects with critical milestones and deliverables to the contracts and baseline product architectures, and link hardware and software deliverables to schedule tasks. They can also capture contract requirements for data delivery with the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) and Subcontract Data Requirements List (SDRL), and generate and schedule submittal tasks and link actual data deliverables documents for assignment and future completion. The process can be extended order to align downstream product development with the contract requirements, Traceable Requirements Management can be deployed to capture, share and manage technical requirements.
Contract and Program Management for Aerospace and Defense is available on premise.
Key Features: and Benefits:
- Improve proposal performance in terms of needed resources, response schedules and proposal win/loss ratio
- Secure program award fees and profits with reliable contract delivery performance
- Reduce or eliminate penalties and late fees through better management of contract work items, schedules, deliverables, adjustments and changes
- Eliminate failed contract audits through the use of repeatable and secure storage, submittal and contract verification processes
- Optimize staffing plans with real-time utilization reports to assess availability of key skills across all projects
- Drive phase-based decision-making process using best-in-class process templates with predefined phases, gates and milestones
- Coordinate and collaborate on the planning and execution of projects in real-time
- Enhance user adoption by simplifying access to product content using the most popular Microsoft applications
- Improve collaboration and decision- making throughout the enterprise by leveraging product data
- Apply enterprise-level data sharing and security without disrupting established end-user work procedures