Plant Layout Design – PLA

Define Plant Layouts

Plant Layout Design gives manufacturing planners and facility planners advanced, efficient tools for factory resource layout. The included catalog of parametric resources such as conveyors, shelving, tables, and containers can leverage existing 2D factory drawings and be snapped to the 2D drawings to quickly realize the 3D layout. Advanced positioning makes it very easy to move, snap, and align these resources.

Plant Layout Design gives planners a realistic environment for defining and validating shop floor layouts, delivering them to the shop floor for construction, and sharing them with other stakeholders for enriching and validating process plans.

Plant Layout Design is available on premise.

Key Features: and Benefits:

  • Groundbreaking user experience
  • Fast and efficient layout definition
  • Collaborative plant design and early discovery of layout problems
  • Access to layout data throughout the extended enterprise
  • Leveraging of intellectual property