Configuration Management is used to consistently define and manage configured product data structures. With Configuration Management, companies are able to apply configuration effectivity to satisfy all possible product variations.
The development and management of smart products adapted to multiple customer demands is a competitive advantage many companies strive to achieve. To stay ahead of the latest innovations and market trends, companies must transition from traditional product design processes to managing configurable data structures for all functional aspects (e.g. engineering, manufacturing and all other data contributing to the end to end product definition). In the development of configurable products, enterprises must focus on designing a single product definition that satisfies many product variations.
Configuration Management is of particularly high value in industries for which diversity management is critical. Its “design in configured context” capability enables companies to simultaneously launch multiple products to different markets with unique needs. It enables users to define effectivity ranges based on product unit, feature option, product revision, project milestone, and/or context date values in order to define multiple variants while maximizing reuse and reducing costs. Configuration Management enables users to define all product variants in a single configured product structure. It allows users to retrieve parts from impacted variants in real-time through an “overloaded” design session to converge on the optimum design significantly faster.
Configuration Management‘s ENOVIA® 3D Configurator is used to visualize a product in 3D as it is configured. It is most useful for those companies building highly complex configure to order (CTO) and engineer to order (ETO) products.