Printed Circuit Board Designer – CBR

Creating the Physical Representation of Rigid and Flexible Circuit boards

Today’s consumers require compact electronic devices with greater functionalities. To create high-quality products faster, companies need the integration of realistic Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs) inside a virtual product with simplified collaboration between mechanical and electronics specialists.

The Printed Circuit Board Designer role enables users to design printed circuit boards while taking the overall mechanical design into account. Through the Intermediate Data Format (IDF) bidirectional interface users can retrieve the design of their electronic components to create a complete 3D digital mock-up of a PCB. This 3D definition enables users to analyze the design to ensure that the PCB fits within its mechanical environment. The interface also enables users to send pertinent information, such as board outlines and restricted areas of spatial and technological constraints, back to the electrical CAD system.


Design rigid and flexible printed circuit boards while taking the overall mechanical design into account

  • Import IDF files.
  • Export IDF files.
  • Manage mechanical and electrical connector positioning.
  • Circuit board geometry.
  • 3D electronic component representation.
  • Error Report management.
  • Analyze circuit board definitions.
  • Experience high performance at import process.
  • Design Change Management.