CATIA Generative Sheetmetal Design

This course will teach you how to design a sheet metal part using associative feature-based modeling. Standard and user-defined stamped features can be integrated into the design and the resulting flat pattern is calculated in accordance with standard bend allowances or with company specific bend allowance tables.

$425 / Student
1 Day
CATIA V5 Fundamentals

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Class Structure

  • Sheet Metal Walls
  • Bends and Unfolded Mode
  • Flanges
  • Sheet Metal Features
  • Transformations and Duplication
  • Mapping and Output
  • Advanced Topics in Sheet Metal



  • Sheet Metal Walls
  • Bends and Unfold Mode
  • Flanges
  • Sheet Metal Features
  • Sheet Metal Feature Duplication
  • Create a PowerCopy
  • Instantiate a PowerCopy
  • Mapping Curves
  • Create an Unfolded View
  • Multi-Body Curve
  • Master Exercise: Casing Assembly
Start Date
August 22nd
Live Remote Learning
September 12th
Live Remote Learning

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