Simulation Foundation – SEI – Extension


Enable all users (experts and non-experts) to make informed design decisions by providing insight through realistic simulation, giving them access to a library of simulation methods and a single location to find and monitor all of their simulation studies.



Simulation Foundation helps all users involved in the design process to leverage their organizations library of deployed simulation processes, ultimately making more informed decisions to design better products. Simulation Foundation also acts as a dashboard for all users to find, monitor or resume any of the simulations they’ve been recently working on.


  • Realistic Insight for Everyone
    • Give your products an added competitive edge with simulation experiences that offer realistic insight throughout all phases of design
    • Provide engineering and design insight, derived from specialist tools, to non-specialist users
  • Targeted User Experience
    • Empower all users to leverage your methods as quickly as possible with an interface that exposes what they need and nothing else
  • Use the Right Data
    • Understand the pedigree of the data used in your studies to make sure that you make decisions from the right data