Increase Global Collaboration Even in Complex and Configured Products
Configured IP Management enables engineers to define, save and edit configurations with real time 3D rendering and immediate resolution of valid option combinations based on configuration rules. Users can select between various modes for defining the configuration and multiple ways of applying the rules (or not).
Configured IP Management allows engineers to navigate on configured contexts and create the configured context they want to work in for authoring the product structure. This can be consistently applied for all engineering activities throughout the product lifecycle (such as system engineering, physical product engineering, and manufacturing engineering).
Configured structure authoring is performed through operations (add, replace, delete, evolve instances) that can be assigned an effectivity. By using effectivities, users can specify which added or removed components correspond to which variants or evolutions of the model or of the models (in the case where multiple models have been assigned as configuration context). It enables sharing of a single configured structure across multiple variations and models. Maintaining all variations within a single configured structure aims at optimizing configured product structure reuse, minimizing engineering efforts while enabling to deliver on time and accurate product variants to the market.
Configured IP Management also allows managers and engineers to create Engineering Change Actions (ECA) that are dedicated to authorize and track changes performed in structures and assigned to the relevant contributors within the engineering community. It governs change implementation through the various stages of the product development cycle (design, manufacturing, maintenance, etc.) and across all impacted teams. In addition, it can also ensure consistent change propagation to downstream processes.
Different views of the engineering data can be accessed by selectively taking into account the modifications tracked under an ECA, thus enabling advanced visibility to the results of an ECA and anticipate its possible consequences. It also allows specifying configuration effectivity on the ECA that will be applied consistently and transparently to all the configured structure modifications.
In addition, enterprise change management authority can govern the whole change process when using Project Manager. The ECA can be driven by enterprise governance for a comprehensive end-to-end process. Companies gain a critical advantage by efficiently tracking fast evolving work-in-progress environment, closely monitoring activities, and controlling modifications as the product definition matures.
Configured IP Management provides easy and immersive access to advanced configuration and change analysis for finer product structure understanding, project tracking and decision-making.